- [1] S. Baranov, S. Soloviev. Conditionally Reversible Computations and Weak Universality in Category Theory. Accepted for publication in "Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI (Proceedings of the Seminars of St.Petersburg Department of the V.A. Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences". (12 p., English)
- [2] B. Boisvert. Categories, lambda-calcul type, et Preuves pour la Transformation de Graphes Attribuees. These de doctorat de l'Universite de Toulouse. Directeurs de these: L. Feraud et S. Soloviev. Soutenue 30.09.2013.
- [3] B. Boisvert, L. Feraud, S. Soloviev. Graph transformations, proofs and grammars. - In: Proceedings of International Conference "Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction", St. Petersburg, 22-25 May 2012, St. Petersburg Department of V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Euler International Mathematical Institute, pp.195-204.
- [4] B. Boisvert, L. Feraud, S. Soloviev. Incorporating Proofs in a Categorical Attributed Graph Transformation System for Software Modelling and Verification. - In: Proceedings of Modelsward 2013, 1st International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Development, Barcelona, Spain, 19-21 February 2013, pp. 62-77.
- [5] M. Chaabani, R. Echahed, M. Strecker. Logical Foundations for Reasoning about Transformations of Knowledge Bases. Thomas Eiter, Birte Glimm, Yevgeny Kazakov, Markus Kroetzsch (Eds.). DL - Description Logics. Vol. 1014, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2013, pp. 616-627.
- [6] D. Duval, R. Echahed, F. Prost, L. Ribeiro: Transformation of Attributed Structures with Cloning. Work in progress. 2013
- [7] D. Duval, R. Echahed, F. Prost: Graph Transformation with Focus on Incident Edges. In 6th International Conference on Graph Transformations, ICGT 2012, volume 7562 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 156{171. Springer, 2012
- [8] D. Duval: Deduction as Reduction, from a Categorical Point of View. Logica Universalis 7(3): 275-289 (2013)
- [9] R. Echahed, D. Plump (Eds.): Proceedings 7th International Workshop on Computing with Terms and Graphs. EPTCS 110, 2013
- [10] R. Echahed, A. Habel, M. Mosbah: Graph Computation Models 2012. ECEASST 61 (2013)
- [11] J. Esirito Santo, R. Matthes, L. Pinto. A Coinductive Approach to Proof Search. In: Fixed Points in Computer Science (FICS 2013), Turin (Italie), 01/09/2013, David Baelde, Arnaud Carayol (Eds.), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science Vol.126, pp.28-43.
- [12] M. Giorgino. Inductive Representation, Proofs and Refinement of Pointer Structures. These de doctorat de l'Universite de Toulouse. Directeurs de these: R. Matthes, M. Strecker. Soutenue 20.06.2013.
- [13] M. Giorgino, M. Strecker. Correctness of Pointer Manipulating Algorithms Illustrated by a Verified BDD Construction. In: FM 2012: Formal Methods. Dominique Mery, Dimitra Giannakopoulou (Eds.). Vol. 7436, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 202-216.
- [14] C. Percebois, M. Strecker, H. N. Tran. Rule-level Verification of Graph Transformations for Invariants based on Edges' Transitive Closure. 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM'2013), Madrid, Spain, September 2013.
- [15] C. Picard. Representation coinductive des graphes. These de doctorat de l'Universite de Toulouse. Directeur de these: R. Matthes. Soutenue 15.06.2012.
- [16] C. Picard, R. Matthes. Permutations in Coinductive Graph Representation. In: Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, Tallinn, Estonie, 31/03/2012-01/04/2012, Vol. 7399, Dirk Pattinson, Lutz Schroeder (Eds.), Springer, LNCS, p. 218-237, 2012.
- [17] M. Strecker. Locality in Reasoning about Graph Transformations. In: Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance. Hrsg. von Andy Schuerr, Daniel Varro, Gergely Varro (Eds.). Vol. 7233, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 169-181.
- [18] H. N. Tran, C. Percebois. Towards a Rule-Level Verification Framework for Property-Preserving Graph Transformations. ICST Workshop on Verification and Validation of Model Transformations (VOLT 2012), Montreal, Canada, April 2012.
- [19] M. Winckel, R. Matthes. Formalization of a dynamic logic for graph transformation in the Coq proof assistant. In: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Program Systems Development (TAAPSD 2012), Kiew, 03/12/2012-07/12/2012, Mykola Nikitchenko (Eds.), Avangard, p. 31-42, December 2012.
- [20] M. Winckel, R. Matthes. On a Dynamic Logic for Graph Rewriting. In: Algebraic, Logical, and Algorithmic Methods of System Modeling, Specification and Verification (SMSV 2013), Kherson, Ukraine, 20/01/2013-21/01/2013, Vol. 1000, Vadim Ermolayev, Heinrich C. Mayr, Mykola Nikitchenko, Aleksander Spivakovsky (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, p. 506-520, June 2013.